Command Line Interface

This package provides a command line tool named browser-history that is automatically added to path when installed through pip.

Help page for the CLI is given below. It can also be accessed using browser-history --help.

CLI Help Page

A tool to retrieve history from (almost) any browser on (almost) any platform

usage: browser-history [-h] [-t TYPE] [-b BROWSER] [-f FORMAT] [-o OUTPUT]

Named Arguments

-t, --type

argument to decide whether to retrieve history or bookmarks. Should be one of history, bookmarks. Default is history.

Default: “history”

-b, --browser

browser to retrieve history or bookmarks from. Should be one of all, Chromium, Chrome, Edge, Opera, OperaGX, Brave, Firefox, Safari. Default is all (gets history or bookmarks from all browsers).

Default: “all”

-f, --format

Format to be used in output. Should be one of csv, json, jsonl. Default is infer (format is inferred from the output file’s extension. If no output file (-o) is specified, it defaults to csv)

Default: “infer”

-o, --output

File where history output or bookmark output is to be written. If not provided, standard output is used.

-v, --version

show program’s version number and exit

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